Steps to be taken, if you are involved in a car crash.

Car crash is an awful situation to be into. But if we know how to deal with it, it would help us stay calm in such dreadful situation, and we could make our way out easier from this. In the following article, we are going to discuss some Do's and Don'ts, that would make your deal with Insurance company, to go a lot easier.

Check the safety and wellness of yourself and the passengers.

Check over for any injuries on yourself and the passengers. Do check for any serious injuries on the body, because during such events, body is high on adrenaline, which makes it difficult to feel pain at that instance, not withstanding the fact, how serious the injury maybe. Consequently, you are injured heavily and maybe you are not aware of it. Person with heavy injury must be sought medical assistance immediately.

Have a record of the incident and, inform the police.

After having ensured the well being of yourself and the passengers, take a descriptive record of the situation at site. It would be better if proper videography of the incident is taken.

Make sure to inform the police of the incident, and provide them the time and location of the accident. Thereafter, a police officer would arrive at the site and take charge of the situation. The Officer would make a report at the site, for which you need to be very specific. Avoid jumping into the conclusions, and make sure to hold on, if you feel like the mistake was yours or you were the one to be blamed for the accident. Moreover, your statement during this time, would highly impact your probability of getting your loss covered, therefore it is advisable to stay calm and be wise. The report made by the police officer would act as a prime evidence in settling your insurance claim. So be cautious while providing information, avoid false statements, but be genuine without being over on it.

If possible, make way clear for other vehicles on the highway.

Making way clear for the oncoming traffic is necessary. The damaged vehicles must be cleared off the road quickly, so as to prevent the oncoming traffic from banging the damaged vehicles head on, leading to increased casualties. Warning signals must be displayed in case, the vehicles are not in condition to be moved any further, or are completely scrapped, which involves heavy machinery to take charge of the situation. Till the time such heavy machineries arrive, warning signals must be displayed, such that they are clearly visible to the oncoming traffic. 

Things get worse on a foggy day. If accidents take place in foggy weather, it is of prime importance to clear the traffic as soon as possible. Moreover, on a foggy day visibility is highly affected, things appear out of nowhere, and does not provide the driver with ample time to act if something comes in way of the moving vehicle. In such situations, driver of the vehicle could not help but get straight into the stalled vehicle. Even if he applied brakes, it would still take a longer time for the vehicle to halt completely.

Vehicles piled up in a major crash on a foggy day.

Therefore it is absolutely necessary to clear off the highway as soon as possible, along with the display of danger signal.

Call your insurance company, when you get to safety. 

Once you inform the insurance company of your loss, the company will assign you their officer to work with you. The officer will act as a representative of yours, in communicating with other insurance companies, any third parties, and the other persons involved in the crash. He will make way easy for you in settling claims, and getting your vehicle repaired.

The Officer might also suggest you garages that are empaneled by the Insurance company, from where you can get your vehicle repaired. Moreover, if you had applied for endorsement of rental vehicles, the insurance company will arrange a rental vehicle for you by the time your damaged vehicle gets repaired completely.

Once, the officer has concluded his research, he will share the estimated repairing cost of the vehicle depending on the parts that are employed, generic parts or company fitted original parts. Once you and the Officer come to an agreement, the work begins from there.

Keep your calm.

It is difficult for anyone to remain calm in such situation, but remaining calm can make the things go easier. Such situations brings life to the human instincts, of expressing anger, using bad language, even it could end up in fight with the other party involved in the crash.

There is a valid reason to stay calm because you have always paid insurance premium on time, and if not fully, much of your expenses on repair would be borne by the insurance company, provided you have agreed and read the terms and conditions of the policy carefully.

After all, insurance is a contract, it is advisable that one must read the terms and conditions carefully before entering into a contract with other party.


"Insurance contracts are devices meant to cover the losses of monetary nature, not of human lives. Money may compensate the loss of human life, but cannot replace it. Therefore it is always advisable to Drive safely and Responsibly, because nothing can compensate for loss of loved ones."



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